Sunday 25 November 2012

Konditor & Cook

I wasn't intending on eating out when the beautiful Konditor & Cook on the corner of Baldwin Gardens and Gray's Inn Road drew my attention. I had walked for over an hour in the rain and decided to go in for a cup of warm beverage. Though the space was small, the decoration was welcoming, especially given the Halloween decorated desserts and festive pumpkins. I ended up ordering lunch. I had the option of ordering warm and cold lunch. I went with the warm lunch: tomato and fennel soup and baked lentil and eggplant. The food was comforting and impressively delicious! The taste was out of this world and I couldn't get enough of my meal.

Disappointingly however, I learnt that Konditor & Cook does not have customer toilets. I have never been to a cafe/restaurant that does not have toilet access. This was shocking to me. So I made sure to grab a feedback form from my table and let the owner know what a shame it is that such a fantastic cafe doesn't give toilet access to its customers. It makes me think that I'm not welcomed to sit there and enjoy my meals. If the cafe does not want people to sit down then they should just make it take-out only.

I recently went to Borough Market and checked out another branch of Konidtor & Cook. It was quite small and did not have a seating place other than a small round table with two seats outside of the door. It looked like it mostly served desserts than main dishes. I was happy to see cute festive decorated desserts. I did not grab anything and did not have a chance to ask if the branch provided access to customer toilets.

Overall, I think the food at Konditor & Cook is fantastic and I highly recommend it. I am concerned about the lack of access to bathrooms. I find it unsanitary, disrespectful and unwelcoming. I have not had a chance to submit my feedback to the owner but look forward to hearing from him about this. I shall update you once that happens. For the moment, I am divided about whether I recommend the cafe as a whole or not.

Konitor & Cook has 6 branches in London. Check out their website for details:

To health & happiness :)

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