Wednesday 21 November 2012

Chichin Labs

I went to Camden Market today for the first time. It's huge, beautiful and exciting! I'll definitely need to go back on a weekend or weekends to explore the area further. What took me there was the Thanksgiving Biscuits & Cranberry Sauce ice cream at Chinchin Labs where the ice creams are made using nitrogen, cool, hu? Don't just order your ice cream and sit down. Make sure you watch the process of ice cream making as well. 

So let's talk Thanksgiving Biscuits & Cranberry Sauce, the website description is:

Completely Smooth ice cream that tastes of American Biscuits, we then ripple in fresh & Zesty Cranberry sauce to give you that Happy holiday taste

That's pretty much accurate to the dot. I don't need to say more. You'll have a choice of several toppings, pretzel, grilled white chocolate, raspberry sauce, etc. I went with raspberry sauce. It was a good choice, clearly it was made fresh.

I highly recommend Chinchin Labs. The staff was welcoming and informative. The gentleman who made my ice cream kindly explained the process to me. Make sure you check out Thanksgiving Biscuits & Cranberry Sauce before it's too late.

49-50 Camden Lock Place

Check out the process:

The decor reminds me of my Chemistry lab days, in a good way!

And finally here is a photo of a canal at Camden market. 

As always, to health and happiness, folks! 

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