Saturday 2 February 2013

Thank you.

I am very lucky that kind and thoughtful people always walk into my life. 

Earlier today my friend, Halim texted me to see if I wanted to join him for Turkish food. I wanted to go, but had to decline. I have no money. London is expensive, but that's no excuse. I must admit that I spent the little money I had on ballet, musicals and good food. These are worthy causes, but perhaps not for a student in my shoes. Anyways, this evening my friend Halim and Junichi came by my door after their dinner to give me baklavas. I am deeply touched. These two wonderful men are incredibly sweet, just like the baklavas. I can't start naming all the amazing people in my life, because the list would be too long and regrettably I'll probably forget some of the names. But I can say one thing and that is that I am grateful for each and everyone of you lovely people who thought of me, gave me words of encouragement, gave me a hug when I needed it and made me smile with your beautiful faces. You are all too kind.

Alright, now that I got that off of my chest, I'm off to enjoy my baklava with my favourite tea, Fort Mason by Fortnum & Mason. 

To health and happiness, as always.